Best Looks off the runway Chanel Cruise Resort 2018

Chanel Cruise resort collection Under Karl was inspired by local culture. He wowed his audience at Paris fashion with his chanel universe collection and a rocket launch on runway. This year's collection which he named "La Modernite de l'antiquite" taking us back to  the ancient greece Fashion trend. The collection gives an insight into whats fashionable in ancient greece featuring silk floral dress, Plastic bag fashion made into trench coats, swim suits, Knee high strap sandals, while the models were adorned mostly with head bands worn like crowns. One could say that Greece women were mostly adorned like royalty. The models also wore bangles on their wrist and arms. The retro greece fashion look put together by chanel cruise is not just about the design but adornment with accessories as well as jewelries to complete fashion look.


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